Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mon Plaisir

It's lovely.
I know, but take it off. I want a chin-lenght bob.
You don't want to go a little bit shorter? What if I cut it to here, to your ears?
You think that'd be better?
No, but then you'd be losing more than ten inches of length, and we could give it to Hair for Care. It's a charity that make wigs for kids with no hair.
Do you work for them, the charity?
I think I'll stick to the bob then.
You could let it grow another inch and then come and I'll give you a bob. That way everyone wins.
No, I have to to do it today. It's the first day of my life.
Oh, I had a day like that last week.
Really? what happened?
I woke up and thought, This is the first day of the rest of my life.
Then what happened?
I drove to work.
Let's get that kid some new hair.

- No One Belongs Here More Than You, Miranda July

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