Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Special Problems

Here are few more of previous psychedelic/collage video works from Special Problems studio, a creative studio from Auckland, New Zealand. Of course, it's Campbell Hooper and Joel Kefali, the same people who behind The Naked and Famous' Young Blood, the video that blew my heart away (the video is in my previous entry below). They also do print works and web designs. check out their website and let these videos speak for themselves.


Tame Impala - Half Full Glass of Wine from Special Problems on Vimeo.

Flying Lotus - MmmHmm from Special Problems on Vimeo.

Wolfmother - New Moon Rising from Special Problems on Vimeo.

Midnight Juggernauts - This New Technology from Special Problems on Vimeo.

Kids of 88 - Downtown from Special Problems on Vimeo.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Dance Of Pales

I have listened to so many good songs in my life but if you ask me what is the sweetest tune I have ever heard, this "Game Soundtrack" surely must be somewhere around top five. Not only because it is so hauntingly beautiful but because it contains my personal memories inside. I first heard this song when I was 9 years old, It was one of my earliest impression towards classical music. This song never go anywhere ever since. Some memory is fragile enough to make you want to secure it in the place where even you yourself cannot access, with the fear of one day it will fade away. As a blog of my personal infactuation archive, I cannot keep on without it.

Monday, May 23, 2011


It has been obvious that Lady Gaga merely uses her 2008 The Fame obsession theme, The Ms.Beautiful, Dirty Rich look, as her accession to the viewpoint where she can express herself to the pop world. It is not hard to feel rather back-stabbed if you once got caught in that look. On the standing point where every single step is noticed, making an exotic moves might get you off the window, so Lady Gaga has to make sure everyone is watching from her side. Hence the overloaded promo during these past three months, through the abundance interview, promo shows, plus resurrection of GAGAVISION-- the inch-by-inch album revelation hot served for little monsters.

Somehow, her information in the promo are sometimes misleading. Sending her remixed track played in the fashion show, calling her album "Best Album Of The Decade" or "Avant-Garde Art Pop", cast a lot lime light from critics.  But it is rather painful to see the final product is driven by overproduced sound by DJ White Shadow, repetitive themes on both lyrics and musical structure. This time she pulled out all of her guts in her profound writing ability, focus more on self-appriciation, religion, love and life. Most obviously she has to make sure everyone gets the message. By making the entire album in sheer Techno-Pop, once again, she take a huge step ahead of other mainstream pop rivals. The good thing is the whole planet is following her now.

Insteresting Tracks:

Marry The Night
A grand opening sublime, begins with melancholic synthesizer and breaks down into tribal-techno. This is a good choice for opening track and yet produces an overwhelming anticipation on the nexts.

Government Hooker
This track premiered on Thierry Mugler fashion show. I remember when it amazed me of how she literally pushed the boundaries on pop music. The final version isn't that much different from the fashion show version. Nothing special except I could hear Crystal Castles - Air War playing inside.

This track tends to have a stand-out musical structure and of course, different language. But still the sounds are from one of her reoccurring techno-attempts. It is fun to listen to but if you prefer pure techno then let's just stick to DJ White Shadow remix.

You & I
Finally some space for her vocal talents! This is hand-down the best track of the album. A Lady Gaga album cannot complete without an innocent and personal track like this. This is an easy down-the-road Elton John vibe soft rock track that you will love, if you are the fan of her old songs such as Speechess.

The Edge Of Glory
The uplifting Cher style swings us back to the taste of late 90s that influenced throughout the track. With the background story of her grandfather, the lyrics urges us to to enjoy live by praising death and a bit of saxophone solo sends chills down little monsters' spines.

"The Best Album of Decade"? No. "Avant-Garde Art Pop"? Nice try. "Strong and Liberating"? Not enough. Although none of these titles should be officially claimed, since the album somehow mainstream (despite the album cover lol), It is good to see an artist with strong ambition being the huge driving force to drive her fans once she reached her solid ground. However, being limitless is a good but at least one should learn to hold back. Next time try something minimal.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Do You Speak English?

We Only Young and Naive Still, We Require a Certain Skill

Young Blood - The Naked and Famous

My friends feel like giving me a hug when I share them this video, everyone of them. For the fact that I let them know how should we live our lives and remind ourselves of what we sometimes forget. YEAH, It's the adolescent life. Whoever reading this out there, if you are under this title please celebrate your priviledge while you still can! Thanks SPECIAL PROBLEM for awesome shots and the Kiwi wonder, THE NAKED AND FAMOUS I'm exhilarated. Now I'm in the mood of kicking some air and jumping down a pool!

We're only young and naive still
We require certain skills
The mood is changes like the wind
Hard to control when it begins

The bittersweet between my teeth
Trying to find the in-betweens
Fall back in love eventually
Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Can't help myself but count the flaws
Claw my way out through these walls
One temporary escape
Feel it start to permeate

We lie beneath the stars at night
Our hands gripping each other tight
You keep my secrets hope to die
Promises, swear them to the sky

The bittersweet between my teeth
Trying to find the in-betweens
Fall back in love eventually
Yeah yeah yeah yeah

As it withers
Brittle it shakes
Can you whisper
As it crumbles and breaks
As you shiver
Count up all your mistakes
Pair of forgivers
Let go before it's too late

Can you whisper
Can you whisper
Can you whisper
Can you whisper

Never Let Me Go

I told myself to finish this book before start blogging about it, but I just can't hold it any longer. This is one of the few books that I felt totally blew away by the very first chapter. I guess it's because I have seen the movie before (which was directed by my favorite director, Mark Romanek) , so I knew the plot entirely. What blew me away is the fact that it feels completely different reading it. They are twice more compelling in the book.

This is a story about a bunch of cloned people, living in a so-called boarding school called Hailsham. They were raised with the will to sacrifice, later to be known that they were cloned and only live their short lives as normal people's walking spare organs. They'll soon be dead after the third important organ are donated. The irony is that, even if they were cloned, they were made of ordinary people who can love or can be loved. They can create arts and live up their lives. What ironically romantic is they don't feel panic with their destiny at all. Instead of dreaming about future, we'll get to read the reminiscences of these poor people about their childhood, first love and stuff, knowing the clock is ticking away and they don't have much time left.

Judged by the book appearance, you won't notice that the story is technically a Science fiction, if you count a sci-fi as a story that include the technology that does not yet exist. And that what makes it special because Never Let Me Go still can be so shockingly melancholic under that category.  

Friday, May 20, 2011

Les Amours Imaginaires

I'm one of those people who prefer lush cinematopgraphy and poetic dialogues over ones with complex plots. Sometimes I skip to a certain part of my favourite movie just to enjoy the magical cinematography it has to offer. This is what I hype so much about gay directors; they have to make sure their characters are in idealized fashion and visually acceptable angles and put so much effort on soundtracks. But i'm sure there is something special about Xavier Dolan that I can see it from his Wong-Kar-Wai's slow-motion, Almodovar's stylized hue and referenced dialogues like Woody Allen's. "Les Amours Imaginaires" may not ready to be his masterpiece but i'm sure this guy has a lot of space to grow. And if you are a style-over-substance film fan like me, you will definitely love it.